More Fun with Our Five Senses

On Wednesday, we discussed our sense of smell.  I had placed items into papersacks for the students to smell and they drew a picture in each box of what they thought was in each bag. {You can find this in the My Five Senses Mini-Unit.}  The students had a lot of fun with this.  There were some easy ones like onions, oranges, and lemons.  However, some of them really got tricked with garlic bread, peanut butter, and vanilla.
On Thursday, the students had a great time because we talked about our sense of taste.  We learned about the different kinds of taste, sweet, sour, salty and bitter.
Next we tried to think of foods for each of these flavors and I added them to our tongue chart.
Then we tasted items for each of these types of flavors.  I started off with bitter by passing out a piece of 90% Cocoa Dark Chocolate.  The students were SO excited to be getting chocolate, but I prepared them that this was going to be bitter.  They did not believe me until they tried it.  Hilarious!  They were surprised for sure 🙂  We had starbursts for sweet, pretzels for salty, and sour gummy bears for sour.  It was a lot of fun.
The last thing we did was make a favorite food graph.  Ice cream won by a landslide.
 We had a fun week learning about our senses.  If you would like to have the graphs, songs, and a full list of activities, you can check it out at TeachersPayTeachers or Teacher’s Notebook.

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One Comment

  1. Jodi! Excellent post & I'm so happy that you linked all of those amazing ideas! I love #4, its so important to reward the good behaviors. LUV your blog! thanks .

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